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Right-Sizing vs Flexibility in Lab Design

“Flexibility” in the lab is a status quo request for more efficient lab management. But the concept of flexibility covers many different facets of design—not all of which are appropriate or necessary depending on budget, project goals, and the research programs being supported. Furthermore, open labs, one of the most common “flexible” design solutions, can at times be at odds with health and safety requirements being driven by the current public health crisis.

In this webinar, Chuck Cassell and Eric Douville will examine flexibility at the bench, lab, and systems level; demonstrate the relationship between flexibility, right-sizing and future-proofing; and provide examples of emerging trends such as open labs with fewer modules and “activity-based” open labs which have implications for how labs are operated now and in the future.

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Chuck Cassell.jpg
Chuck Cassell
Principal Planner
Eric Douville.jpg
Eric Douville
Project Architect

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this webinar, attendees will:
  • Identify design strategies meant to support a more flexible workspace at the bench, lab, and system level.
  • Distinguish how future-proofing differs in complexity between different types of utility systems in laboratory environments.
  • Articulate the design and operational considerations for “activity-based” lab utilization, an emerging trend in the laboratory environment.

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Right-Sizing vs Flexibility in Lab Design

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