
Optimizing Chemiluminescence and Fluorescence Imaging

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Extend dynamic range and avoid saturation with SNOW detection

The art of capturing biomolecular images is, at its heart, about harvesting photons. Collecting more photons from a sample results in sharper images and detection of faint protein bands which otherwise could have been missed. More photons also leads to a greater signal-to-noise ratio and increased quantitation confidence.

The Amersham™ ImageQuant™ 800 biomolecular imager introduces a novel capture mode called SNOW, which allows for the collection of photons for longer exposure times without saturation. The technology is based on recording each image after an appropriate time to avoid saturation, and then averaging all recorded images into a final image. Image details are more visible and linear dynamic range is extended, avoiding saturation.

Download the app note to learn more about the ImageQuant™ 800, courtesy of Cytiva.

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