Concentrating Extract in a Rotavap




Complete the extraction process quickly while maintaining control

Concentrating extract in a rotavap is a great balancing act. There’s a trade-off between speed and product yield. Finding the right vacuum pump is key because if the pump is too deep, it will evaporate the product. An undersized pump will run the process too slow. When concentrating extract in a rotavap, it is important to find a reliable, low-maintenance pump. Results can be improved using variable speed pump with automated control.

With this application note, you will learn how to pick a vacuum pump that can quickly and precisely extract
in a rotavap.


Concentrating-Extract-ThumbLearn how to concentrate extract in a rotavap with VACUUBRAND’s free application note!




After downloading this application note, you’ll have the chance to view our other application notes:

  • Filtering Winterized Extract
  • Fractional Distillation
  • Purge Oven
  • 3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Pump at Peak Performance