

Bruker Optics Inc.

Billerica, MA . USA

Phone +1 (888) 427-8537

Fax +1 (978) 663-9177

Contact  info.bopt.us@bruker.com


Bruker Optics offers state of the art spectroscopy systems to help forensic scientists such as the full imaging capabilities of the HYPERION™ 3000, the 'affordable' dispersive Raman microscope, SENTERRA, and the NEW LUMOS, stand-alone FT-IR microscope with full automation and simple easy-to-use interface. In addition, we offer comprehensive reference libraries for quick and accurate identification of unknown substances.
  • State-of-the-art Infrared and Raman microanalysis products for drug and trace analysis.

  • Fast and accurate analysis of forensic evidence.

  • Proprietary spectral libraries for accurate identification.

  • Validated and easy to use software.




lumos.pngFT-IR Microscopy Made Easy

FT-IR spectroscopy combined with the ATR technique allows to measure spectra of almost all kinds of solid and liquid samples without any sample preparation. Raman even facilitates contact-free measurements of material enclosed in their packaging. The identification of any sample is accomplished by automatic search of the measured sample spectrum in spectra libraries. Trace evidence like particles and fibers might not allow a conventional IR-spectroscopic measurement. To obtain spectra of samples with dimensions down to a few micrometers the fully automated IR microscope LUMOS is a very suitable instrument. IR microscopy is also the method of choice to perform laterally resolved measurements of heterogeneous samples.

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